Individual Membership
Individual membership is meant for individual members, employed at companies which not has are not National Membership. Individual members have no voting rights, but the right to join all activities.
Annual fee is SEK 150/€ 15.
Overseas Membership
Overseas Membership is meant for international enterprises in tourism and travel trade from Latin American and the Caribbean countries. Membership gives no voting rights.
Annual fee is €300 per year
National Membership
National membership is meant for enterprises in tourism and travel trade and representatives for Latin American and Caribbean countries. Membership gives voting rights.
Annual fee is SEK 1.000/€100 per enterprise. One person per company is included in the fee, extra person SEK 100/€ 10.
LATA Nordic is a non-profit travel trade organization, founded to promote tourism to Latin America & The Caribbean.
Our aim is to increase the knowledge & awareness of Latin America & The Caribbean in Sweden and the Nordic countries and provide a forum for our members.
We want to bring together all companies, including tourist boards, airlines, tour operators, hotels, wholesalers, media and educational institutions.
Bo Svanberg
Latin American & Caribbean Travel Association
c/o Scandinavian International Representatives AB
Box 55601
SE-102 14 Stockholm
Sweden Bank accounts domestic
Bankgiro 382-7060
Org. number : SE802442-945101
Bank codes from abroad:
IBAN SE19 8000 0832 7993 4704 2989